
Showing posts from February, 2013

When you realize

When you realize it was so precious for you.... And you came back for him/her.... He/She was already with someone else.... When you realize that youre heart was broken.... And you angry at his/her boyfriend/girlfriend.... Why you not protect it when you have him/her ? Why you not listening to his/her complain ? Why you not coming whe he/she call you ? But the main is.... Why you not always by his/ her side ? Why you always make he/she sad ? Why you always look at someone else ? And you know... Even tought he/she was already has another boyfriend/girlfirend beside you... You will always be in his/her heart.... Cuma pingin share aja. Buat yang galau. Selamat pagi aja deh  ▲

It was that time

It was that time.... When I realize that you are precious to me... It was that time.... When I realize that you are something to me... It was that time.... When I realize that i already forget you.... It was that time.... When I already know that you with someone else... Ini copas. Yang merasa maaf ye hehe~ Selamat pagi dan selamat beraktifitas  ☀

Sabtu bersama Mikata

HAI! *muka cerah dan berkeringat* Jadi, ceritanya hari Sabtu ini aku ada latihan BMG. Lagi. Every Saturday TTATT *sabar*. Ya biasa, belajar buat isshoni gitu. MUNGUD ISSHONI TANOSHIMIMASHOU!!!!!! \(*A*)/ *minum mirai ocha*. Kanji...... :""" *abaikan*. Ya terus kan kita  kami ternyata dikasih tes dan itu.................rifewo;ayg;avo9gueorigearig banget -..- Padahal udah bikin kerpekan keren di papan.... *lupa moto* Sumpah itu cool banget loo, kata Mbak Win sama Mbak Esti itu buat tes iq -//- *merasa tersindir*. Terus, terus, terus habis tes yang menguras kemampuan otak, kami pindah ke suatu tempat dimana seharusnya aku berada (re: kantin). Akhirnya, Mbak Intan kembali ceria (?) dan mengajari tentang japan district + landmark ditemani hujan deras di luar sana (?). Jam pelajaran pun molor satu setengah jam jadi sampe jam set5 wkwk. Terus habis mbak intan pulang, Mbak Win dan Mbak Esti pun menyusul pulang. Aku masih menunggu hujan rintik-rintiknya reda (?) bersama Vita ...